
我們的理念 Our Philosophy


Bike The Moment 於2012年成立 ,是一個關於本地城市單車生活文化的平台。香港是個單車不友善(bike-unfriendly)的城市,但我們卻希望以單車作為切入點,試圖與大家將不同的生活元素結合,並希望透過清新簡潔的圖文改變大眾對單車的傳統印象。我們認為單車絕不只是運動,亦不應只局限於運動。它更可以是生活的一部份,可以是個人風格的延伸,亦可以為大家帶來生活的靈感。雖然科技不斷進步,不過我們相信單車有它無可取代的價值。單車比步行輕鬆和舒服,但就沒有汽車給人和城市的隔膜,而且快慢完全隨你心情。騎在單車上總會令人心曠神怡,把一切煩惱忘掉,令我們每日繃緊的腦袋放鬆。我們認為這對城市人來說就是一種最好最天然的養分。

我們希望透過一系列不同的活動/企劃去感染大家,和大家一起發掘城市單車生活(urban cycling)的樂趣,例如:

此時此刻,我們亦承認,對於大部份香港人來說,單車並不是每日生活的必需品。不過我們有一個願望,就是將來我們的城市會變得 bike-friendly,令大家就算在市區亦能隨時感受到單車所帶來的方便與樂趣。雖然這目標非常遙遠,但我們不可以放棄,大家一起盡量每天把單車慢慢加到自己的生活裏。這裡有我們的故事簡介,如果你也認同我們,希望在未來的活動見到你!

臉書 : @Bike The Moment / @髦民士多 Bike The Moment Store
Instagram :@Bike The Moment /@髦民士多 Bike The Moment Store
hashtag : #bikethemoment #bikethemomentstore #有單車的生活才是好生活


Bike The Moment Team


Our Philosophy

Bike The Moment was founded in 2012 with the aim of promoting urban cycling culture in Hong Kong. As we all know, Hong Kong is not a bike-friendly city but as we are grown up here we want to promote urban cycling as we believe it will benefit  everyone in our city. We try to link it up with different elements so that people will find cycling more interesting. We also want to show them it’s not just a sport but could also be a way of lifestyle which can bring you inspiration. Although technology advances everyday but we believe that bicycle will never be replaced. Cycling is more comfortable and chiller than walking yet it doesn’t have the gap between you and the city when you are taking a vehicle, not to mention that whether going fast or slow is totally up to you. We could easily get relaxed by riding a bike and can ease down our brain in no time. We believe this is one of the most natural and healthiest “nutrient” that we all “city people” need.

We have created the following projects to promote urban cycling and try to infect all of you!

At this moment, we admit that cycling is not a daily necessity for all of us. However, we have a dream that one day our city will become more bike-friendly. We hope that one day everyone can easily enjoy cycling in the city at any time they want to. This is such a long journey to go but we won’t give up. We could still keep adding “cycling” to our daily life bit by bit. Please also take a look of our story and join our event if you also agree with what we are fighting for.


Facebook : @Bike The Moment / @髦民士多 Bike The Moment Store
Instagram :@Bike The Moment /@髦民士多 Bike The Moment Store
hashtag : #bikethemoment #bikethemomentstore #有單車的生活才是好生活


Happy Urban Cycling,
Bike The Moment Team

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all started because of Bike The Moment

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開始於 2014年年尾,是我們一直以來夢想想開的單車小店。地址位於觀塘,主要售賣 tokyobikeSTRiDA 和其他不同種類的復古城市單車 urban bike。另外亦不斷搜羅各地不同的靚靚單車配件。除了是鋪頭,我們亦會不定期舉辦活動或 workshop,進一步令我地可以真正的用單車聯繫不同的生活元素和不同的人。


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tokyobike (from Japan)

來自東京谷中 Yanaka,2002 創立的一個日本本土獨立單車品牌。設計的理念是做出一款適合東京人生活的自行車,因此設計了既簡約而且有 style 的 tokyobike。另外亦非常注重舒適的騎行感覺和機動性,打破我們一般香港人以為公路車或貴的單車才好踩的盲點。和其他牌子不同,著重單車與生活的聯繫,不停為大家發覺生活中值得留意的好東西。


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24Bottles (from Italy)

來自意大利的水樽品牌,設計師是一群關注環境但同時對美學有要求的年輕人。有感於一般的水樽都笨重和沒有美感,因此設計了 24 Bottles。每個500ml 的樽身都有一個 “-0.08″ 的記號。意為每次注滿一樽就可以減少 0.08g 的碳排放。2015年,香港每天就丟棄 528 萬個膠樽。沒看錯,不是「每月」或「每週」,是『每天丟棄』。請問我們的地球還能撐多久?

24bottles.hk (coming soon)